As can be seen (hopefully), the majority of the painting follows the Warhammer TV Beastclaw Raiders video, which can be found here. There were a few changes however, so I've listed the paints used below by "area" (so fur, skin etc.).
- Undercoat: Halfords Grey Primer - you should be able to get an equivalent in countries that don't have Halfords (which specialises in car and bicycle products). In general, it's a mid grey tone, a bit darker than administratum grey
- Stonehorn fur: Administratum Grey - wash select areas with thinned Thunderhawk Blue - drybrush Wrack White - re-wash select areas with thinned Thunderhawk Blue - drybrush Wrack White
- Stonehorn Skin - The Fang - Nuln Oil Wash in recesses - highlight Russ Grey - Highlight Fenrisian Grey
- Mournfang skin - Russ Grey - wash Nuln Oil - Russ Grey - Highlight Fenrisian Grey
- Ice - White Scar (a few coats to make it smooth) - wash with thinned Calth Blue (Forge World airbrush paint) - drybrush Praxeti White - 'Ardcoat
- Dark Horn, Hooves etc - Rhinox hide - wask Druchii Purple - drybrush Sylvaneth Bark - highlight Karak Stone
- Wood - Dryad Bark - wash Agrax Earthshade - drybrush Sylvaneth Bark - highlight Baneblade Brown
- Leather - Mournfang Brown - wash Nuln Oil - Highlight Skrag Brown
- Red Cloth - Khorne Red - wash Nuln Oil - highlight Wazdakka red
- Straps, ropes etc - Zandri dust - wash Agrax Earthshade - highlight Ushabti Bone
- Ogre Flesh - Kislev Flesh (a few coats until smooth) - wash with thinned Bugman's Glow - Kislev Flesh - highlight Flayed One Flesh
- Metal - Leadbelcher - wash Nuln Oil - highlight Stornhost Silver
- Bone - Zamesi Desert - wash Reikland Fleshshade - Ushabti Bone - highlight 50:50 Screaming Skull:White Scar