Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Painting Lord Rafl's Raiders

Now that the AGOMXVII raffle army is finished, I thought it might be best to add a few painting notes, in case the winner, or anyone else for that matter, wants to paint something in a similar style.

As can be seen (hopefully), the majority of the painting follows the Warhammer TV Beastclaw Raiders video, which can be found here. There were a few changes however, so I've listed the paints used below by "area" (so fur, skin etc.).

  • Undercoat: Halfords Grey Primer - you should be able to get an equivalent in countries that don't have Halfords (which specialises in car and bicycle products). In general, it's a mid grey tone, a bit darker than administratum grey
  • Stonehorn fur: Administratum Grey - wash select areas with thinned Thunderhawk Blue -  drybrush Wrack White -  re-wash select areas with thinned Thunderhawk Blue -  drybrush Wrack White
  • Stonehorn Skin - The Fang - Nuln Oil Wash in recesses - highlight Russ Grey - Highlight Fenrisian Grey
  • Mournfang skin - Russ Grey - wash Nuln Oil - Russ Grey - Highlight Fenrisian Grey
  • Ice - White Scar (a few coats to make it smooth) - wash with thinned Calth Blue (Forge World airbrush paint) - drybrush Praxeti White - 'Ardcoat
  • Dark Horn, Hooves etc - Rhinox hide - wask Druchii Purple - drybrush Sylvaneth Bark - highlight Karak Stone
  • Wood - Dryad Bark - wash Agrax Earthshade - drybrush Sylvaneth Bark - highlight Baneblade Brown
  • Leather - Mournfang Brown - wash Nuln Oil - Highlight Skrag Brown
  • Red Cloth - Khorne Red - wash Nuln Oil - highlight Wazdakka red
  • Straps, ropes etc - Zandri dust - wash Agrax Earthshade - highlight Ushabti Bone
  • Ogre Flesh - Kislev Flesh (a few coats until smooth) - wash with thinned Bugman's Glow - Kislev Flesh - highlight Flayed One Flesh
  • Metal - Leadbelcher - wash Nuln Oil - highlight Stornhost Silver
  • Bone - Zamesi Desert - wash Reikland Fleshshade - Ushabti Bone - highlight 50:50 Screaming Skull:White Scar

The North West Warriors AGOMXVII raffle army

The AGOMXVII raffle army, Lord Rafl's Raiders, are now finished!

Lord Rafl, Huskard on Stonehorn

Lord Rafl, Huskard on Stonehorn

Lord Rafl, Huskard on Stonehorn

The Rafl Brothers, Stonehorn Beastriders

The Rafl Brothers, Stonehorn Beastriders

The Rafl Brothers, Stonehorn Beastriders

The tribe's Stonehorns

Raflin' Raiders (1/2), Mournfang cavalry with Culling Clubs and Ironfists, Skalg, Hornblower and Raiding Banner

Raflin' Raiders (1/2), Mournfang cavalry with Culling Clubs and Ironfists, Skalg, Hornblower and Raiding Banner

Raflin' Raiders (2/2), Mournfang cavalry with Culling Clubs and Ironfists

Raflin' Raiders (2/2), Mournfang cavalry with Culling Clubs and Ironfists

Hackin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Hackin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Slicin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Slicin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Pillagin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Pillagin' Pack, Mournfang Cavalry with Gargant Hackers, Skalg and Horn Blower

Gnoblar Objective Trappers

Gnoblar Objective Trappers

Lord Rafl's Raiders, ready for Raflin'!