Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Final AGOM Points Cost update coming soon

Welcome to the middle of the week! It's approximately a month until AGOM XVI - and we hope that you're looking forward to it!

We're making good progress through our review of the AGOM Points Cost documents. We've finished Chaos and Death, and are about half-way through Order as of this morning. Destruction will unfortunately have to wait until the Grand Alliance book come out, but since Games Workshop tend to update the app on pre-release day, we should be able to get the points uploaded for all factions by the end of Sunday this week.

The new points sheets will all be uploaded at the same time, to give everyone a level playing field. When these go up, we will "fix" the points costs in place until after AGOM XVI. If new stuff comes along we'll continue to add that in until the end of Sunday 15th May - this gives everyone the chance to get the latest big shiny model painted and on the table on the 21st and 22nd.

Please be aware that our review of the points system has resulted in a lot of minor changes, and a few major changes. We've tried to be as fair as possible, with the same rules for application of costs for skills and abilities where they crop up across different factions. We've also removed all the mistakes that we could find (hopefully we got them all but there are an obscene number of units in total!).

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