Sunday, 24 April 2016

Finalised AGOM Points

We've finished our review of the Warscrolls, which means that all the points for the Grand Alliance books and the Forge World compilations have been finalised! So no more messing around!

This means that barring any new models coming out, all the points costs are as they will be in one month at AGOM XVI, so you should have plenty of time to organise (or optimise) your list. We would, of course, have preferred to have just put the points up once, and let everyone get on with the minimum of disruption. However, we feel that the points are a lot fairer now and with the minimum amount of errors possible. hopefully.
Remeber that if you feel put out that something has increased, there will be a good reason, and it's not just your army that has been singled out. A fair number of things have also decreased in price as well!

I'll put up a post soon explaining the way to choose an army for AGOM XVI - we feel that it is fairly straightforward and is *fingers crossed* easy to understand from the rules in the Information Pack, but examples are always nice!

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